\print\ noun: a mark by pressure: IMPRESSION
Print surrounds us all day long, yet most of us don’t even begin to realize it.
From the moment you wake up, until the time you go to sleep, print is woven in your life.
Click on the icons below to see how much print surrounds us.

Shampoo and conditioner bottles … printed labels on cosmetics, toiletries and a tube of toothpaste … icons, patterns and embroidery on clothes, the tags … cereal box, carton of milk, tea bag, and even the mug … to-go coffee cups … credit card, cash and the receipt.

Work, School, Play!
Billboards, transit card, and key card to get into the office … electronics such as phone and computer, the packaging and instructions … the containers, napkins and utensils for to-go lunch … the classroom and cafeteria lunch…gift bags, decor and birthday card from celebratory drinks … the label on the sparkling drinks

End of Day
Food packaging, grocery bags, pet food bags … your mail, your packages, your bills, your return labels … home-cooked dinners and take-out… … the design on their favorite stuffed animal or blanket … your to-do list for the next day.
Print is a $106 billion dollar industry and growing everyday.
Try to envision a day – perhaps even just an hour – without print.
Print by Numbers
The printing press revolutionized the world, but over six centuries later printing is just as relevant.
We live in the Internet Age — and yet printing is more ubiquitous than ever.

534,142 U.S. Employees

$106 Billion in U.S. Revenue

59,107 U.S. Businesses